"There is going to be a new generation of travel agents and they will be number one"

During the last interview between Manuel Molina, the president of TSS Group, and Tourinews, the CEO of the German company explains how travel agencies are going to look and how they are going to work in this new era.

As it is well known, the restrictive measures in Germany nowadays have negatively affected the lives of most of the economic sectors, if not completely paralyzed them, with the tourism sector always being among the most hit. "We are going through difficult times, but we are optimistic and we see solutions," assures Molina.

From the point of view of the German consortium, they are betting on the scenario of the coming months in which travel agents will be the key factor in generating confidence in the tourist consumer. They are currently working on operational solutions so that collaborating travel agencies become a reliable source of information for the client, know how to anticipate their needs, communicate with them more efficiently, give them confidence and security that they currently need so much. "Now we are at the moment when tourism intermediation is going to have to reinvent itself if it wants to continue winning the market, the global lack of trust that now prevails among potential tourists is going to give birth to a new generation of travel agents and they are going to to be number one to give confidence and offer a better prepared country ”.

Apart from this, it is of great relevance to strengthen the relational and communication links between travel agents and destinations, being these last the ones that have to earn the trust of the intermediary in order for the travel agent to transmit to the client efficiently . This is a way, according to Molina, to get prepared to successfully manage the wave of tourists that will arrive as soon as the possibilities of travel become more flexible.

“Destinations have to move away from the old means of communication and adapt the processes of the digital transition, this includes applying intelligent marketing, which would help them to be closer to the points of sale. It is clear that the traditional and classic measures are not going to work in this new era. "

Regarding the travel trends predicted by the CEO of TSS Group, he believes that, as the possibility of travel opens up, tourists will prefer to take longer trips, being willing to spend more money with the expectation of enjoying their vacations in a safe way. "If there is a possibility to travel this year - they will do it with more time, for two or three weeks." 

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